
The Bright Sandbox is a place to build, socialise, and play.

On the ground, a large public build area is open to all. Rez your purchases, create new things, and meet fellow builders!

Also available are four private building platforms. Just look for the signs around the sandbox showing which platforms are vacant, and click them for a teleport link.

And floating in the sky is the Bright Dungeon: a large playroom filled with erotic art and RLV-enabled bondage toys.

We attract a lot of Second Life residents: if you have products or services you'd like to tell them about, and wish to support the sandbox, please consider renting one of the advertising boards around the walls, available for $20-$60/week.

See below for more about our platforms, our dungeon, and our ad boards.


We have few formal rules: but we ask all visitors to behave considerately. Don't harass other builders, don't use weapons or drive vehicles, don't stalk or proposition, and don't show intolerance of another avatar's form or profile. Live and let live.

Please be aware that ours is an adult themed sandbox, with adult decor, and as we allow adult builds, you may see avatars creating and testing sexual toys, and you may see nudity. This is allowed by our rules, and is not an invitation or excuse for complaint or harassment.

If you do encounter any intolerant or harassing behaviour, please contact Shan Bright.

Large builds are best constructed in the sky or on a private platform (see below): and whether on the ground or in the sky please ensure you keep your build within the sandbox, so as not to inconvenience our neighbours. To keep it clear for all visitors, please do not rez in the dungeon, or anywhere above 3800m: and note that the space above 4000m is kept private for the sandbox office.

All prims are automatically returned after four hours: but we'd be grateful if you could take yours with you when you leave.


We offer free use of private platforms, which allow you a large space in which to build, and which have security which can allow or forbid other avatars to join you, as you choose.

Near the landing point, you will see signs advertising the platforms, and showing whether each is "vacant" or "occupied". Click the sign for a vacant platform, and you will "hear" a teleport link in chat. Open your chat window by pressing Control+H, and click the link to be teleported to the platform.

The security system will immediately switch itself on, and you will have up to four hours of private use. Click the timer at the centre of the platform to display a menu, and select "allow entry" if you would like to teleport in your friends. Once they are present, selecting "forbid entry" will allow them to stay, while excluding further visitors.


You can teleport directly to the Bright Dungeon using the landmark above, or click the teleporter beam in the centre of the sandbox.

The dungeon is divided into four areas: "bondage", "sissies", "dolls", and "femdom". Each has adult art appropriate to its theme, and two "hypnocages" offering intense programs of images, sounds, and messages.

The toys are RLV-enabled: so be aware that if you are a submissive wearing an RLV-relay, you are vulnerable to being forced onto a toy, or being locked to one, by other visitors. Some toys will also allow submissives to be played with by others.

All the toys will generate visible chains to Lockguard-enabled wrist and ankle cuffs: both the Bright Collar (with an integrated RLV relay) and Bright Cuffs (which are Lockguard enabled) are available free in the dungeon.

To keep it clear for everyone, please do not rez in the dungeon.


Our sandbox offers advertising boards which allow you to publicise your venues, products, services, or anything you wish.

To rent a board, simply right-click, click "Pay", and choose how many weeks to pay.

A menu will then appear which will guide you through the process of setting up your advertising board.

You may add one or more textures to display - if you add more than one, they will be shown as a slideshow.

You may also add any number of items to give away when the board is clicked: notecards, landmarks, freebies - anything you like.

The board will automatically show your online status, and you may optionally enable a pager button (allowing sandbox visitors to page you while you are online, or leave messages if you are not), and a map button, which will use the alphabetically earliest landmark you drop in to display a map with a teleport link.

The board will start showing your ad instantly, and warn you when your rent is close to expiry. You may make extra payments to extend the board's rental at any time.