Bright Frame

Picture frame with slide-shows, animations, variable aspect ratio & more!


The Bright Frame allows you to display your textures as framed images in-world.

Just drop in the textures to display, or record their UUIDs, to have them appear in the frame.

Load more than one texture, and the frame will allow you to display them as a slideshow.

Even if the images in your slideshow have different aspect ratios, the frame will reshape itself automatically as each is displayed, so that they are all shown in the correct proportions.

If you have multi-framed textures, the Bright Frame can display any individual frame, or show them as an animation.

Click the frame, and it will pop-up a menu allowing you to control its size, brightness settings, frame width, and much more.

Turn your textures into beautiful, rezzable, in-world pictures, using the Bright Frame!


Drag the object "Bright Frame boxed" from your inventory onto the ground to rez it. Right-click the box, select "Open" to show its contents window, and click the "Copy To Inventory" button at the bottom.

This will create a folder, also called "Bright Frame boxed", in your inventory. In this you will find two items:

    Bright Frame
    Bright Frame note (this manual)


Drag the "Bright Frame" onto the ground to rez it.

Right-click the frame for its pop-up menu, and select "Open" to display its contents window.

Now simply drag any textures you wish to display from your inventory into the contents window.

Alternatively, double-click the BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES script to open it. You will see these lines:

    /* vvv LIST YOUR IMAGES BELOW THIS LINE! vvv */ string IMAGES = "


Add one line between these for each texture you wish to display.

Each line must have two parts: the title of the image (up to 30 characters followed by a colon ":"), and the texture's UUID. For instance, try pasting in these...

    Red Rose: 429be8bd-6e3c-9b52-a480-799f89139463
    Earth: 2e89a3c3-05e9-1f75-bec0-3765180a6357

(To find your own textures' UUIDs, right-click one in your inventory and select "Copy Asset UUID". Then press Control+V to paste it into your line.)


ASPECT: By default, the frame is square. Let us say you wish to display an image which should be proportioned differently: with an aspect ratio of 1.5, which means its width is 1.5 times greater than its height. You can do this by adding "aspect=1.5" to the name of the texture you drop into the frame...

    Circles: aspect=1.5

...or if you have added the image to BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES instead, you can add the same "aspect=1.5" parameter to the end of its line...

    Circles: 093d13d0-9320-8ddc-4d1a-b5998f241fa8 aspect=1.5

COLS, ROWS, FRAME: You may have a texture which is divided into a grid of smaller images or "frames". The example below is a texture which has 16 frames laid out in 4 columns across four rows. To show only a single fram, specify the number of columns, the number of rows, and the frame number - cols=4 rows=4 frame=7 - at the end of the texture name...

    Pendulum (all frames)
    Pendulum (single frame): cols=4 rows=4 frame=7

...or if you are using BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES...

    Pendulum (all frames): ad9ae009-a054-333c-dceb-5660922f2691
    Pendulum (single frame): ad9ae009-a054-333c-dceb-5660922f2691 cols=4 rows=4 frame=7

SPEED: If instead of showing a single frame, you wish to show the frames in sequence as an animation, then instead of specifying a frame number, specify the animation speed in frames per second - speed=4 - either at the end of the texture name...

    Pendulum (with animation): cols=4 rows=4 speed=4

...or at the end of the line in BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES...

    Pendulum (with animation): ad9ae009-a054-333c-dceb-5660922f2691 cols=4 rows=4 speed=4

LENGTH: Sometimes, you may not wish to use all the frames in your animation. For instance, a 4x4 grid may only have 13 frames of animation, the last three frames being left blank. In this case, you can specify the length of the animation in frames - length=13 - at the end of the texture name...

    Waltzers (animated): cols=4 rows=4 speed=6 length=13

...or at the end of the line in BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES...

    Waltzers (animated): b8af75f9-ce5d-663b-4215-da2e90c55180 cols=4 rows=4 speed=6 length=13

Note that any of these specifications - aspect=, cols=, rows=, frame=, speed=, and length= - can be reduced to a single letter if you prefer, at the end of the texture name. Here is the waltzers texture again, with an improved aspect ratio, and all the other parameters above, abbreviated...

    Waltzers (narrowed): a=0.8 c=4 r=4 s=6 l=13

...or at the end of the line in BRIGHT FRAME IMAGES...

    Waltzers (narrowed): b8af75f9-ce5d-663b-4215-da2e90c55180 a=0.8 c=4 r=4 s=6 l=13


To change the frame's settings, click it to display this menu:

    2 of 5: Red Circles
    Click [<] and [>] to browse, or [LIST] images

    Set [DIMENSION] to fix (now LONGER)
    Set fixed [SIZE] (now 200cm)
    Set [BORDER] width (now 5%)
    Set slideshow [MODE] (now STATIC)
    Set the [DELAY] (now 10 secs)
    Set the [BRIGHTNESS] (now BRIGHT)
    Set the [TEXT] display (now OFF)
    Set [ACCESS] to this menu (now JUST YOU)

    [<] [LIST] [>]

[>] displays the next image.

[<] displays the previous image.

[LIST] displays a new menu, listing the names of the images, and a button to display each one.

[DIMENSION] determines which side should be kept a fixed length as the frame resizes to accomodate each image. It calls up a new menu with [HEIGHT], [WIDTH], or [LONGER] buttons. If you choose to fix the height, for instance, the frame will change its width to match the proportions of each image as it is displayed.

[SIZE] sets the length of the side fixed above, to any value between 0.5 and 10 metres.

[BORDER] allows you to display a black bevelled edge around each image, setting its width as a percentage of the size of the image, from 0% (no border) upwards.

[MODE] calls up a new menu offering a choice of [STATIC], which displays a single fixed image, [SORTED], which slideshows the images below in the order they are listed, and [RANDOM], which chooses each new image to display by chance.

[DELAY] allows you to choose how long each image is displayed during a slidehow: between 5 seconds and an hour.

[BRIGHTNESS] calls up a new menu with buttons [BRIGHT], which causes your image to appear brightly lit independently of the time of day in Second Life or any local lighting, or [DULL], which allows Second Life to light your image normally.

[TEXT] switches on and off "floating text" showing the name and number of the image being displayed.

[ACCESS] allows you to control who can use this menu, the options being [OWNER], which restricts it to you, [GROUP], which allows only members of the frame's group to use it, or [ANYONE], which allows public access.

[ABOUT] displays a dialogue box showing the currently displayed texture's name and aspect ratio, and (if it is multi-frames) it's grid size, and frame number or animation details. Note that if anyone who does not have access to the main menu (see [ACCESS] above) clicks the frame, this is the box they will see.


Shan Bright
Chief Executive Officer