Bright Box of Trippy Art

25 trippy, groovy, & funky art prints in scripted, slideshow capable frames


The "Bright Box of Trippy Art" is a collection of 25 trippy, groovy, & funky art prints imported to Second Life from from

Each object in the box shows one of these images in a frame, and takes one point of land impact. They are copyable, so you may rez as many as you need.

They are also modifiable, so you can (for instance) manually resize them using the Second Life object editor - but you may find it more convenient to use the built-in menu system to do this.

Click a frame to display this menu:

Size [2.0]m set for DIMENSION [LONGER]
Floating TEXT display [HIDDEN]

Please click < or > to change images, LIST to
select one from a list, or a setting to change.

[<] [LIST] [>]

LIST: Displays a list of all the titles of the images in the collection, allowing you to select one to display.

< and >: Browse backwards and forwards through the images one at a time.

SIZE: Displays a menu to set the size of the frame, offering options between 0.5 and 10 metres.

DIMENSION: Determines which dimension should be set to the size chosen using the size menu above: the HEIGHT, the WIDTH, or whichver is LONGER.

BRIGHTNESS: Calls up a new menu with options BRIGHT and DULL. A BRIGHT image will appear fully lit independently of the time of day in Second Life or any local lighting (in Second Life terminology, it will be "Full Bright"), while a dull image will be lit normally, growing lighter or darker with its surroundings.

SLIDESHOW: Calls up a menu with options FIXED, SORTED, and RANDOM. Choose FIXED to keep the same image displayed permanently. To run a slidehow of images in their title order, choose SORTED. For a slideshow in random order, choose RANDOM.

INTERVAL: Determines how long each image is displayed during a slideshow: options ranging from 5 seconds to half an hour. (This setting is ignored if you chose the fixed option in the slideshow menu above.)

TEXT: Displays a menu controlling the display of the title of each image in floating text. Choose HIDDEN to suppress this floating text, or display it by choosing a colour (WHITE, BLACK, RED, etc.).

FRAME: Displays a menu of frame styles. Choose NO FRAME to show the image without one, CARVED to put a carved wooden frame around it, or one of the options from 4% FLAT to 36% FLAT to create a flat angular frame taking up a percentage of the available space.

COLOUR: Displays a menu of frame colours.

SHINE: When first selected using the frame menu above, a carved frame is matte (that is, not shiny), while a flat frame is very shiny. This menu allows any frame's shine to be changed to NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH.

Note that the Bright Frame will display whichever textures you place inside, and is copyable and modifyable. So you are quite welcome to add or remove textures, or even replace them entirely, to show whichever images you wish. To show a texture at a particular aspect ratio, change its name to the form "title, width, height". For instance, as Vermeer's painting "Girl with a Pearl Earing" is 445mm high and 390mm across, you might give a texture showing it the name "Girl with a Pearl Earing, 390, 445". The units don't matter: it is the ratio between these numbers which determines the proportions of the frame.


Shan Bright
Chief Executive Officer